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AfterSubmit webhooks are triggered after the case creation or progression has been submitted to the API but before it has been accepted. This gives webhooks control over accepting and altering events before they are applied to the case.

Use cases

  • Notification that the case was created or progressed
  • Start of long-running asynchronous operation
  • Confirmation page with dynamic markdown content




"case_details_before": {
"id": "string",
"case_type_id": "string",
"created_date": "string",
"last_modified": "string",
"state": "string",
"security_classification": "string",
"case_data": {
"case_field1": "value_before",
"data_classification": {
"case_field1": "<Security classification>",
"case_details": {
"id": "string",
"case_type_id": "string",
"created_date": "string",
"last_modified": "string",
"state": "string",
"security_classification": "string",
"case_data": {
"case_field1": "value_now",
"case_field2": "value2",
"data_classification": {
"case_field1": "<Security classification>",
"case_field2": "<Security classification>",

case_details_before- Previous version of case, provided to facilitate comparison with the case data case_detailsin the context of current event transaction.


Status: 200

Payload (optional):

"confirmation_header": "markdown string",
"confirmation_body": "markdown string"
  • confirmation_header - Optional, if provided a confirmation page will be presented to users and this markdown content will be placed in the header box of the page.
  • confirmation_body- Optional, if provided a confirmation page will be presented to users and this markdown content will be placed in the body of the page.